ArborSystems Fungicides control and prevent tree diseases.

Sudden Oak Death, Sycamore Anthracnose, Stem and Canker Blights, Pine Pitch Canker, Beech Decline and Phytophthora spp. diseases are controlled by Whippet Fungicide in a wide variety of trees and palm plants. Shepherd Fungicide provides systemic fungicide suppression of selected diseases in ornamental trees. Diseases include Diplodia Tip Blight, Oak Wilt Disease and Dutch Elm Disease. Also, Anthracnose and leaf diseases in hardwoods including Anthracnose in Sycamore trees; leaf diseases in Oaks, Crabapple and non-bearing ornamentals including Cherry, Citrus, Pecan, Pyracantha and Walnut trees; Powdery Mildew in Ash, Dogwood, Lilac, and non-bearing ornamental Crabapple and Pecan trees; Flower Blight of non-bearing ornamental Cherry, Peach, Plum trees; and Rust on Douglas Fir, Hawthorn, Poplars, Shasta Fir, and non-bearing ornamental Crabapple trees. For more information, click here.